
BRANDED - Social Media 101 for Artists

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BRANDED - Social Media 101 for Artists

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Do you want to learn how smart artists are using social media to build powerful personal brands, attract loyal audiences of raving fans & sell their work online?

Hello friend,

You’re here because you’re an artist.

You know that social media is a key part of spreading your work online and building a positive reputation, but sometimes it feels like you’re thrashing in the dark.

Maybe you’re struggling to build an audience…

Maybe every offer you launch falls flat...

Maybe you feel like giving up…

If that's the case, I urge you not to.

Let’s face it. Without a strong brand online, an artist today may as well be invisible. 

The game has changed. Galleries, art directors and middlemen used to act as gatekeepers between an artist and their audience...

No longer. 

Social media offers an unprecedented opportunity for creators of all stripes to forge fully independent, respected, authority based brands online, without dipping into paid traffic. Your reach and your influence is limited only by your knowledge of basic marketing and sales principles. Once you understand and successfully implement these things, the sky is literally the limit.

Now understand...

I'm NOT promising any quick fixes. Those don't exist and anyone trying to sell you one should be looked at with the kind of suspicion you'd reserve for someone selling beachfront property in Arizona...

What I am promising is this...

I will teach you the 'meat & potatoes' information that anyone can use to establish themselves as a trusted creative authority online.


  • Social media psychology for artists (We’re all subject to a few basic human needs…)
  • The industry agnostic best practices for growing an audience online (Marketing & sales are marketing & sales, regardless of your niche!)
  • The three most important things that social media allows you to do (These are well understood in other businesses, but woefully neglected in the arts.)
  • Why these are absolutely critical (and work in tandem) if you’re going to establish yourself online or do any selling of any kind.)
  • How you have an absolutely massive leg up over every other kind of business online when it comes to brand building (You’re already a champ, you just don’t know it yet.)
  • All killer, no filler advice on how to grow via Instagram or TikTok (No tips, tricks or hacks here. Just fundamentals that work.)
  • This secret trust building tool that artists notoriously shy away from (This is to their enormous detriment! Do this and watch the game change.)
  • How to leverage the secrets of ‘written persuasion’ in constructing your brand (This time tested meta-skill has minted more millions than just about anything else.)
  • How every single ‘drawback’ to your creative practice and in your life is really a secret ‘benefit’ to be exploited (Behold, the power of differentiation!)
  • How to make the most of every single unfair advantage that you possess for maximum results (Life ain’t fair, folks.)
  • How to turn this one woefully neglected tool into a device used to generate insane amounts of loyalty and potentially, sales (This is your lifeline!)
  • How to flip your haters into free marketing (Turn your detractors into flashing billboards for your work with ease.)
  • The power of polarity when it comes to building an audience (Hint: If you’re annoying people, you’re doing it right!)
  • The secrets of working smarter, not harder, when it comes to social media (You can do a lot more with a lot less than you think.)
  • The concept that any smart entrepreneur worth their salt tests to the hilt BEFORE ever launching a product (Artists - neglect this at your peril.)


  • How to harness the power of ‘keeping up with the Joneses’ to spread your work far and wide (You’ve probably got a few of these already, now collect them intentionally!)
  • The basic principles behind any sort of successful selling online (Guess what? Your job is made a heck of a lot easier due to unique skills you ALREADY have.)
  • The real 'skinny' on hashtags and what place they have in your social media presence (Important? Sure. Critical? Tune in to find out.)
  • How to trumpet your work and wares from the rooftops without burning out your audience (It comes down to these two incredibly important factors.)
  • The ballpark percentage to aim for when crunching the numbers on any artistic offer (You can blow this out of the water, or fail miserably, but it keeps things in context!)
  • The unique, irreplaceable, ‘million dollar’ advantage that you have over big businesses with huge ad budgets (Artists don’t realize just how powerful they are.)
  • A lack of these 'deal-breakers' let absolute nimrods dominate but they can keep intelligent artists frozen in their tracks (I’ll help you eradicate this from your existence.)
  • The secret ’tactic’ used to get people to do what you’d like which most artists are too polite to use (Or which they don’t use nearly often enough!)
  • The hidden truth about promoting your work online (Hint: Telling people just once isn’t going to cut it!)

Know this...

Attention is energy. Learning how to capture it means that you can convert it.

Also understand...

The fundamentals are the fundamentals for a reason. Stuff that has worked since the dawn of marketing is industry agnostic and based on psychology, not fads. There’s a reason direct response marketing and copywriters haven’t gone anywhere…it’s because the ability to convey a message and ask for a sale is as old as time, and regardless of the form or media it occurs in, it will always take place.

Take these disciplines and apply them alongside your art and watch your influence flourish.

What I guarantee:

After going through the material, implementing it and seeing the results, you will understand ‘the way things work’ and can have confidence in the fact that you know how to pull the actual levers that create engagement, build an audience & potentially a source of revenue via your personal brand.

You will begin to view your art and your social media presence through a methodical business lense and will understand the steps necessary to gain what you want from social media.

  • If you’re under 1000 followers on just about any social platform, using this information will get you there inside a few months.
  • If you’re over 1,000 followers on just about any social platform, using this information will get you to 10k over the course of a year.
  • If you’re on TikTok, you’ll probably blow past both of those in a few weeks. 

What I don’t guarantee:

  • That you’ll do this overnight, or that people will immediately resonate with what you have to share. 
  • Work is involved, as with anything. You will need to test and experiment in order to find the groove that fits your work and personality the best. 

Why the heck you should listen to me:

  • I’ve been one half of a boutique branding & marketing agency, involved in content creation and consulting on social media strategy. Part of this involved being paid to conduct 8 hour brand strategy sessions with other personal brands, helping folks to understand their target market, what sort of content would resonate best with them and how to create and cross purpose material that will resonate with their audience and convert them into clients. By the time we were through working together, these clients understood what they needed to do in order to grow and how to go about it. I continue to be involved in all of these things on a retainer basis, helping clients spread their message and make their mark.
  • I’ve been a high ticket salesman for a growth consulting firm which helps SaaS founders scale from 0-1M in annual reoccurring revenue inside of 12 months, and from there to the freaking moon based on how fast they implement the information and their ability to find solid, resonant product-market fit. This was zero-fluff, totally metric focused information designed to help people print money. All killer, no filler, highly complex and difficult to implement. This was an incredible learning experience and very much outside the wheelhouse of most artists.
  • I’ve built a robust personal brand on IG based on my art, personality and taste and have used it to sell original work, classes, prints, etc. This has helped me to connect with incredible individuals the world over - famous designers, entrepreneurs, well-known artists, movers & shakers in a variety of fields.
  • I’ve built a graphic apparel brand, NOIR INC. - and was responsible for influencer outreach, promotion, sales, etc. in addition to creating the designs and directing visuals. This has acted as proof of concept for certain freelance work I’ve taken on as an illustrator for various brands. The merchandise has been purchased and worn by people worldwide, from one end of the globe to the other, and the designs are on-par or better with anything you’ll find in the luxury market.
  • I’ve built a thriving TikTok account centered on art education and advice for new and intermediate artists, with tremendous growth month over month. This account has primarily been used to funnel people towards my newsletter, and I’m excited to start offering more useful information and products to my growing number of followers there.
  • I’ve got a growing list of testimonials from other artists who I’ve consulted with in order to help them improve their own work and grow their own brands.

Suffice it to say, I know the stuff that works on a fundamental level and I put it to use just about daily for my own personal brand in all of it’s incarnations.

Here's what some folks who've worked with me in the past have had to say...


If you're interested in growing your audience on social media and building your brand as an independent artist, I invite you to join me & learn the skills you'll need to make your mark online.

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